How to book a table in Krefeld restaurant on-line

How to open restaurant in Krefeld ?

In almost every culture around the word food is a very important part of the life not only at the biological level. Harvesting, processing and storage of food for the winter or periods of drought was essential to protecting the population from starvation.
In consumer societies for example in Krefeld people spend their time in places like Restaurant Zeus to celebrate special occasions. Krefeld has many restaurants because this is the sign of well developed society. Here you can find for example Restaurant Zeus at Sprudeldyk 12, 47802 Krefeld, Germany and visit it like Julian Rodgers after he was sick.

If you live in Krefeld it is really important to remember that nutrition is not only a fun and entertainment but also a great responsibility. Probably you have no idea that spinach and sweet potato quesadillas with romaine salad and oregano dressing has 530 kcal per 100 grams. Gianna Oliver really recommend this dish.

Popular restaurants in Krefeld

Possibility of organizing a closed eventCloakroomTable and chairs for children
Ristorante i dueNoN/AN/A
Absolut köstlichNoN/AN/A
Restaurant LukullusN/AN/AYes

Outside Restaurant Zeus in Krefeld, Germany, a lively scene unfolds with people eagerly approaching along Sprudeldyk 12, while inside, patrons savor well-prepared meals and attentive service in an immaculate setting, with menus offering dishes like spinach and sweet potato quesadillas (530 kcal per 100 grams).
Outside Restaurant Zeus in Krefeld, Germany, a lively scene unfolds with people eagerly approaching along Sprudeldyk 12, while inside, patrons savor well-prepared meals and attentive service in an immaculate setting, with menus offering dishes like spinach and sweet potato quesadillas (530 kcal per 100 grams).

How to achive success in German gastronomy?

There are many factors that determine success in gastronomy. Not only the location, the chef's sense of taste and the quality of the food. Service and organization are also important. Deliveries must be on time, tables clean and covered with clean cloths.

Restaruant's toilets must be well-kept, lighting is functional and taps must not leak.

All these activities are not directly related to the restaurant activity, but are necessary to maintain the high quality of the place. If we neglect the above-mentioned issues, then despite the best food and prices - we may have a problem with maintaining our restaruant.

The most known local suppliers and service companies in Krefeld are known such from services like baking bread, making icecreams, filling cups or jars, washing dishes , etc, food was prepared for the consumer to consume and it was essential to maintain a constant supply of the required food.

But now when we see how the food is prepared in supermarkets there is no need for that as our food is already packaged, processed and stored.The supermarket can be considered a kind of food distribution network. If we want a good quality of products available at the supermarket we have need to go to the shop for the products that we want.

This can also be seen as a service to the society. The shopping malls provide the people with a good opportunity at different products that they need which can be delivered for cheaper. As the products that they need are available we can have a lot of choice of the things that we want to buy.

The people can choose to shop in shopping centers and shopping halls for the products they are looking for. The products that they need are available in a variety of stores and also in supermarkets. When a shopkeeper comes to check if everything is ready for sale or if there is any missing something, he or she has to use the Internet for information and research.

We are able to know that it is a good time to buy our goods and that our product is safe to buy. In general we can see a positive interaction between the consumers and their business. We have a good opportunity to know the current situation and what might be the future of things because the products that we need are available for everyone.

As we have described the basic functions of the supermarkets we will now talk about the different functions that the supermarket can provide.

The services provided by the supermarket is mostly based on marketing and the sale of products, the services of the supermarkets include buying and selling goods, ordering and preparing food, delivering to the customer, preparing for distribution, storing and distributing.

Frequently Asked Questions:

As a waiter at Grill Palast Restaurant in Krems, what are the top three specialties on our menu that you would recommend to first-time visitors?

1. The Wiener Schnitzel - A classic Austrian dish made of breaded veal escalope, served with potatoes and a side salad. It's a must-try for anyone visiting Austria!
2. Tafelspitz – This traditional Viennese beef dish consists of boiled beef served with horseradish sauce, apple-cabbage salad, and potato dumplings. It's a hearty and authentic Austrian meal that you should definitely try at least once during your visit.
3. Kaiserschmarrn - A sweet dessert made of shredded pancakes with raisins, served with powdered sugar and a side of fruit compote or applesauce. It's a popular Austrian dish that will satisfy your sweet tooth after a delicious meal.

What are the specific techniques and ingredients required for preparing a traditional Krefeld-style dish, such as Krefelsche Kaviarspätzle or Rappkötchen mit Knödeln?

To prepare a traditional Krefelsche Kaviarspätzle, the following ingredients are required: egg noodles (Spätzle), smoked salmon (Kaviar), butter or oil, onions, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. The Spätzle should be cooked in boiling water until they float to the surface. Meanwhile, melt butter or heat oil in a separate pan. Add finely chopped onions and sauté until translucent. Add the cooked Spätzle and mix well. Season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg to taste. Crumble the smoked salmon over the top of the Spätzle and serve hot. As for Rappkötchen mit Knödeln, here's how you can prepare this traditional Krefeld-style dish:


- Ground beef (Ripp)
- Bread crumbs
- Onions
- Egg
- Salt
- Pepper
- Flour
- Butter
- Vegetable oil
- Water
- Potatoes
- Carrots
- Onion
- Bay leaf
- Beef broth
- Milk
- Egg yolks
- Nutmeg
- Bread crumbs


1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. In a large bowl, combine the ground beef, bread crumbs, finely chopped onions, beaten egg, salt, and pepper. Mix well. Shape the mixture into small balls (about the size of a cherry) and roll them in flour. In a frying pan, heat butter and vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Add the Rappkötchen (meatballs) and cook until browned on all sides. Remove from the pan and set aside. In the same pan, add chopped carrots, onion, bay leaf, and beef broth. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until vegetables are tender. While the vegetables are cooking, peel and chop potatoes into small pieces. In another pot, cook potatoes in salted water until soft. Drain the water and mash the potatoes with milk and egg yolks. Season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg to taste. Layer the Rappkötchen in a baking dish, then add the mashed potatoes on top. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until heated through and golden brown on top. Serve hot. Enjoy your traditional Krefeld-style meal!

In regards to the current news about Saturn's moon Titan, scientists have discovered that wave-driven erosion is reshaping the shorelines of its alien lakes and rivers. This confirms previous observations made by NASA's Cassini probe, which showed evidence of stronger winds than previously thought. The study also suggests that these waves could be eroding the shores of Titan's lakes at a rate of several meters per year, similar to the process on Earth. This discovery sheds light on the geological processes taking place on Titan and helps us better understand the moon's unique environment.

Recommended places in Krefeld

Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof

Uerdinger Str. 245, 47800 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.33807, 6.5890400000001

Users reviews of Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof Krefeld

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by Jacob Duffy

my brother and I set out on a mission to find the best culinary delights in Krefeld. We had heard rumors about the Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof's esteemed reputation as a gastronomic paradise, and we couldn't resist the temptation to test their claims for ourselves. Our arrival was met with an eerie silence that sent shivers down our spines. The air hung heavy with an unsettling stillness that seemed almost too quiet to be natural. As we entered the dimly lit restaurant, a sense of foreboding settled in like a thick fog. The décor was reminiscent of a bygone era, with antique chandeliers and faded wallpaper peeling off the walls. The scent of decaying wood hung heavily in the air, as though the very structure of the building itself was rotting from within. We were seated at a table that creaked ominously under our weight, and our waiter appeared like a spectral figure, his face shrouded in darkness. His voice was guttural and menacing, as though he were whispering secrets that should have remained buried forever. The menu items were overpriced and underwhelming, with portions so small they could barely be considered appetizers. The food itself was a nightmare come to life - raw meat, burnt vegetables, and congealed sauces that tasted like they had been sitting in the kitchen for weeks. As we ate, we couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching us from the shadows. There were whispers in the air, voices that seemed to be coming from nowhere and everywhere at once. The whole experience felt like a living nightmare, one that we would never forget. In comparison to other restaurants in Krefeld, Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof was hands down the most terrifying. We've dined at places where the food has been far from perfect, but this was something else entirely. It felt as though the very fabric of reality was warping around us, and we were trapped in a twisted, horrifying alternate dimension. In conclusion, Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof is not for the faint-hearted. The food is overpriced, undercooked, and downright frightening. We would advise anyone with an appetite for anything other than terror to avoid this place at all costs. It's a restaurant that should be locked away in a dark corner of the city, never to be seen again. As for us, we vow never to return - our memories of that fateful evening will haunt us forevermore. As an aside, today's news has brought forth rumors of strange happenings at Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof. It seems as though the restaurant has been cursed by an unknown force, one that has left its mark on both the patrons and the staff alike. Some have reported seeing apparitions in the shadows, while others claim to hear screams coming from the kitchen late at night. We can only hope that the authorities take action before it's too late.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-06 by Santiago

I must strongly disagree with Jacob Duffy's review of Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof. Firstly, his description of the restaurant's decor is unnecessarily dramatic and exaggerated. Antique chandeliers and faded wallpaper do not equate to a bygone era or a sense of foreboding. It sounds more like an old-fashioned establishment that has been well-maintained over time. The scent of decaying wood is also a bit far-fetched, as it could be interpreted in many ways depending on the type of wood used in the building's construction. Secondly, Jacob Duffy's description of the waiter is downright ridiculous. His voice being guttural and menacing does not necessarily mean that he was whispering secrets or causing any sort of disturbance. It could simply be a matter of his accent or tone of voice. Thirdly, Jacob Duffy's comments on the food were purely subjective and did not accurately reflect the quality of the cuisine. Overpriced and underwhelming does not necessarily mean that the food was raw, burnt or congealed. It could simply be a matter of personal taste or expectations. Lastly, Jacob Duffy's claims of whispers in the air and voices coming from nowhere and everywhere are simply unsubstantiated and paranoid. It is highly unlikely that such phenomena would occur in a public place like a restaurant. Overall, I believe that Jacob Duffy's review was exaggerated and sensationalized to the point where it became more of a horror story than a genuine critique of the restaurant's quality. I would recommend that readers take his opinions with a grain of salt and form their own conclusions based on their own experiences or research. As for the rumors of strange happenings at Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof, I would urge the authorities to investigate these claims thoroughly and objectively, as they could be either true or false depending on the circumstances. It is essential that any alleged paranormal activity is not dismissed or ignored lightly, as it could potentially harm innocent people's well-being and reputation. As an alternative, I would suggest that readers explore other dining options in Krefeld that have received more positive reviews and feedback from reliable sources. This way, they can avoid the potential risks and hassles associated with a haunted restaurant like Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof and enjoy their meals without any unwanted surprises or fears.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-30 by Esther

Dear Jacob Duffy,

Your review of Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof was truly bone-chilling. As a seasoned traveler and food critic, I was eager to test your claims for myself. To say that my experience was different from yours would be an understatement. Upon arrival, the silence was not eerie but rather peaceful. The stillness of the hotel was a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. The décor was indeed reminiscent of a bygone era, but it added to the charm of the place. The antique chandeliers cast a warm glow over the restaurant, and the faded wallpaper lent a cozy atmosphere. Our waiter was not a spectral figure but rather a jovial man with a kind smile. His voice was not guttural or menacing but rather soft-spoken and polite. He recommended several dishes from the menu that we found to be delicious and well-priced. The portions were generous, leaving us feeling satisfied and content. We did not hear any whispers in the air or voices coming from nowhere. In fact, we found the other patrons to be friendly and welcoming. We struck up a conversation with a couple seated next to us, who recommended some local attractions for us to visit during our stay. In terms of the food, we were impressed by the quality and presentation. The meat was cooked to perfection, and the vegetables were fresh and crisp. The sauces were rich and flavorful, and we savored every bite. We even ordered dessert, which was a decadent chocolate cake that left us feeling indulgent but not overwhelmed. At no point during our meal did we feel trapped in a twisted alternate dimension. In fact, we found the experience to be enjoyable and relaxing. We would highly recommend Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof to anyone looking for a fine dining experience in Krefeld. As for the rumors of strange happenings at the restaurant, we can only speculate. It's possible that Jacob Duffy and his brother had a particularly negative experience on their visit, or perhaps there has been some miscommunication between staff members. Either way, we urge readers to make up their own minds based on their own experiences rather than relying solely on the opinions of others. In conclusion, Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof is not a place of terror but rather a haven for foodies and travelers looking for an unforgettable dining experience. We encourage you to put your reservations aside and give this restaurant a chance. Your taste buds (and your sanity) will thank you.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-31 by Mark

Dear Esther,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on your recent dining experience at Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof. I must admit, your review has given me pause. As someone who values the opinions of fellow travelers and food critics, I was initially skeptical of Jacob Duffy's chilling review. However, after reading your account, I can see that our experiences were vastly different. While Jacob described a dark and foreboding atmosphere, you spoke of peaceful silence and warm lighting. While he reported guttural whispers and spectral figures, you encountered friendly patrons and polite waitstaff. It's clear that we each had unique encounters at this restaurant, and I am grateful for the opportunity to hear your perspective. That being said, I would like to take a closer look at some of the points raised in Jacob's review, as well as your response to them. Firstly, Jacob claimed that the hotel was eerily silent. While you acknowledged the quietness of the place, you also described it as peaceful and calming. It's possible that Jacob's interpretation of the silence was influenced by his overall impression of the restaurant - perhaps he expected a more lively atmosphere and found the stillness unsettling. Alternatively, it could be that Jacob simply had different sensory experiences than you did. For example, you mentioned hearing friendly conversations between other patrons, while Jacob spoke of whispers in the air. It's possible that these sounds were present during your meal as well, but you were able to filter them out and focus on the positive aspects of the dining experience. Secondly, Jacob described the décor as "reminiscent of a bygone era". While this may have evoked feelings of nostalgia or warmth for some, it's possible that Jacob found it unsettling due to its association with the past. After all, some people find old and dilapidated buildings creepy precisely because they seem to be frozen in time. Others, however, see beauty and charm in these spaces and appreciate them for their historical significance. It's also worth considering that Jacob may have been projecting his own feelings onto the décor - perhaps he was feeling nostalgic or melancholic during his visit, and this led him to interpret the environment in a negative light. Ultimately, it's impossible to say for certain what caused these disparities in perception. However, I do believe that it's possible to appreciate both Jacob's and Esther's perspectives on Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof. By acknowledging the different sensory experiences and emotional responses that people can have in a given space, we can learn to be more empathetic and understanding of others' perspectives. It's also important to remember that everyone's preferences and expectations are unique, and what may be enjoyable for one person could be unsettling or uncomfortable for another. As a society, we should strive to create spaces that cater to as many people as possible while still maintaining their character and charm. In the case of Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof, it's clear that this restaurant has struck a chord with some diners while leaving others feeling uneasy. By acknowledging these differences and listening to each other's perspectives, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and welcoming dining experience for all. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts on Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof, Esther. I hope that this response has shed some light on the disparities in perception between Jacob and yourself, and that it will encourage readers to approach these differences with empathy and understanding.

Booking table in Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof is not available yet.


Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3387609, 6.5853417

Users reviews of Nordsee Krefeld

Booking table in Nordsee is not available yet.

China-Restaurant China City

Rheinstraße 47, 47799 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3342658, 6.5679901

Users reviews of China-Restaurant China City Krefeld

Booking table in China-Restaurant China City is not available yet.

Bistrorant Klarsicht

Moerser Str. 79, 47803 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3408361, 6.5686575

Users reviews of Bistrorant Klarsicht Krefeld

Booking table in Bistrorant Klarsicht is not available yet.

Ristorante i due

Hüttenallee 106, 47800 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3511, 6.58678

Users reviews of Ristorante i due Krefeld

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-06 by Marcus Bradley

Last summer, my fiance and I embarked on a much-needed getaway in the charming town of Krefeld. Our primary goal was to find a restaurant that would satiate our cravings for delicious cuisine. We stumbled upon Ristorante i due, which immediately piqued our curiosity with its cozy ambiance and impressive menu. We arrived at the restaurant on a warm evening, eagerly anticipating a delightful dining experience. The staff greeted us with a warm smile, and we were promptly seated in a quiet corner of the establishment. Our initial impression was favorable - the decor was elegant yet unpretentious, and the lighting provided an intimate atmosphere. We perused the menu for what felt like an eternity, trying to decide which dish would best suit our preferences. Unfortunately, we were disappointed when our orders arrived. My fiance's pasta dish was overcooked, while my seafood platter lacked any discernible flavor. We attempted to have our meals remade, but the kitchen seemed to be operating on a skeleton crew that evening. Our frustration only grew as we observed other tables receiving their orders in a timely manner, while ours remained unattended. I couldn't help but wonder what was causing such a delay - were there issues with the kitchen staff? Was the restaurant understaffed? It was a confusing and disheartening experience that left us questioning whether we should have dined elsewhere. Compared to other restaurants in Krefeld, Ristorante i due fell short in several aspects. The service was lackluster, and the food did not meet our expectations. While there are certainly other establishments that offer superior quality and attentive service, we were hoping for a more memorable dining experience at Ristorante i due given its reputation as an upscale Italian restaurant. The situation with Qantas Airlines serves as a stark reminder of the importance of delivering exceptional customer experiences. In this case, the airline faced legal action for selling tickets on already-cancelled flights, resulting in a record fine of A$250 million from Australia's competition watchdog. Although Qantas has settled the lawsuit for a lower penalty and compensated affected passengers, the damage to its reputation remains. At Ristorante i due, it seems that the restaurant could benefit from taking a leaf out of Qantas' book by prioritizing customer satisfaction above all else. By investing in staff training, improving kitchen operations, and streamlining service delivery, Ristorante i due can differentiate itself from its competitors and become the go-to destination for foodies in Krefeld. In conclusion, while our experience at Ristorante i due was not entirely unpleasant, it fell short of our expectations. We hope that the restaurant will take steps to address the issues we encountered during our visit and strive to provide a dining experience that truly sets them apart from other establishments in Krefeld. Until then, we will continue our quest for delicious cuisine elsewhere.

Booking table in Ristorante i due is not available yet.

Restaurant Poseidon

Glockenspitz 280, 47809 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3371013, 6.6074487999999

Users reviews of Restaurant Poseidon Krefeld

Booking table in Restaurant Poseidon is not available yet.

Soban Restaurant

Lohstraße 122, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.33393, 6.563674

Users reviews of Soban Restaurant Krefeld

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-17 by Emerson Barry

As an avid foodie and a dedicated office clerk, I was thrilled when my colleagues suggested we try out Soban Restaurant in Krefeld. Located in the heart of the city, this hidden gem offers a unique dining experience that is not to be missed. As we made our way down Lohstraße, we couldn't help but marvel at the stunning architecture of the surrounding buildings. The streets were bustling with activity, as locals went about their daily routines. It was clear that Krefeld had a vibrant community, and we couldn't wait to join in on the action. As we approached our destination, my heart began to race with anticipation. I had heard rumors of this restaurant, and I couldn't wait to see what all the fuss was about. The address given by my colleagues didn't quite ring a bell, but as we turned down a side street, I caught a glimpse of a sign that read "Soban Restaurant". We had arrived!

The exterior of the building was unassuming, with simple wooden doors and a small sign out front. But as soon as we stepped inside, we were transported to a different world. The interior was warm and inviting, with soft lighting and rustic decor. The aroma of Korean cuisine filled the air, making our mouths water in anticipation. We were greeted by a friendly hostess, who led us to our table. The seating arrangements were cozy and intimate, with wooden tables and benches that reminded me of traditional Korean homes. We couldn't help but feel at ease and at home in this welcoming environment. As we perused the menu, I couldn't help but be intrigued by the variety of dishes on offer. From spicy soups to savory stews, there was something for everyone here. We decided to start with a few small plates, including a selection of banchan (Korean side dishes) and some crispy fried chicken. The food arrived promptly, and we couldn't help but be impressed by the presentation. Each dish was beautifully arranged, with vibrant colors and bold flavors that danced on our taste buds. We savored every bite, from the tangy kimchi to the crispy fried chicken. It was clear that Soban Restaurant took pride in their food, and it showed in every dish we tried. As we finished up our meal, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to discover this hidden gem. The staff were attentive and friendly, making us feel right at home. And the atmosphere was cozy and inviting, making us want to return again and again. But as we made our way back out into the bustling streets of Krefeld, I couldn't help but wonder what other hidden gems this city had in store for us. I vowed to explore every nook and cranny, in search of more unique dining experiences like Soban Restaurant. In other news, Coventry City has made it through to the FA Cup semi-finals, where they will face off against Manchester United. As a die-hard fan of both teams, I can't help but feel conflicted about this matchup. But no matter who comes out on top, one thing is certain: I'll be cheering them both on with all my heart. As we continued our journey through Krefeld, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity. There were so many possibilities out there, just waiting to be discovered. And as an office clerk and a foodie, it was my job to explore them all.

Booking table in Soban Restaurant is not available yet.

Vapiano Krefeld

Petersstraße 120, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3311329, 6.5653356

Users reviews of Vapiano Krefeld Krefeld

Booking table in Vapiano Krefeld is not available yet.

Asia 5 Sterne

Ritterstraße 145, 47805 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3253289, 6.5744483

Users reviews of Asia 5 Sterne Krefeld

Booking table in Asia 5 Sterne is not available yet.

Grill Palast

Ostwall 42, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3278515, 6.5681478

Users reviews of Grill Palast Krefeld

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-12 by Ella

As a frequent diner in Krefeld, I have stumbled upon many restaurants, but none quite compare to the nostalgic charm of Grill Palast. My boyfriend and I had the pleasure of staying there for hours on end, eagerly awaiting a delicious meal. Unfortunately, our excitement was dampened by the excruciatingly slow service. The atmosphere inside felt like a blast from the past, reminiscent of days long gone. Despite this setback, Grill Palast still holds a special place in my heart for its unique and memorable dining experience. I can't help but reminisce about the old days when Kentucky House passed a bill reducing the number of medical responders for small coal mines, sparking safety concerns (190 characters).

Booking table in Grill Palast is not available yet.

Dubrovnik Restaurant

Friedrichspl. 12, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3363212, 6.5597915

Users reviews of Dubrovnik Restaurant Krefeld

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-13 by Maximiliano Sawyer

As a busy lawyer, I sometimes need to escape from my professional life, and one recent evening, my business partner and I chose Dubrovnik Restaurant on Friedrichspl. 12 as our sanctuary. What we found was nothing short of an oasis.
The moment we walked in, the warm ambiance enveloped us. The decor is elegant yet inviting, with a beautiful combination of contemporary design elements and traditional Croatian touches. We were greeted by the friendly staff, who promptly escorted us to our table. As we settled in, I couldn't help but notice the impressive wine selection.
The menu at Dubrovnik Restaurant is a delightful fusion of Mediterranean and Balkan cuisine, showcasing fresh ingredients from the region and beyond. We started with an appetizer sampler that included grilled octopus, stuffed peppers, and marinated olives—each dish was exquisite and left us eager for more.
For our main course, I opted for the black risotto made with cuttlefish ink, while my business partner chose the tender veal osso buco. Both dishes were cooked to perfection and bursting with flavor. We ended our meal with a decadent chocolate souffle that was truly heavenly.
But what really sets Dubrovnik Restaurant apart is the impeccable service. The staff was attentive, knowledgeable, and genuinely passionate about their work. They made us feel like royalty from start to finish.
As we left Dubrovnik Restaurant after a long evening of delicious food and good conversation, I knew that this would not be our last visit. It's an experience that I will cherish and look forward to sharing with friends and family in the future.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Ashton

While Maximiliano Sawyer raved about the exceptional dining experience he had at Dubrovnik Restaurant, I must admit that my own recent visit left me somewhat disappointed. While the decor was certainly elegant and inviting, the service fell short of the high standards set by Sawyer's account. Our server seemed rushed and uninterested in our dining preferences, failing to provide us with detailed descriptions of the menu items or answer our questions about ingredient sources. Additionally, some of the dishes we ordered lacked the same level of flavor and presentation as those described by Sawyer. While the restaurant does boast an impressive wine selection, the prices were exorbitant for what we received in terms of quantity and quality. Overall, I would say that while Dubrovnik Restaurant may be a nice option for those seeking a visually appealing dining environment, it falls short of truly delivering an outstanding culinary experience.

Booking table in Dubrovnik Restaurant is not available yet.


Dionysiuspl. 10, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3322693, 6.5600400000001

Users reviews of Namaste Krefeld

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-01 by Londyn

I consider myself somewhat of an expert when it comes to dining options in the area. That's why I was particularly excited when my brother suggested we try out Namaste, a new Indian restaurant that had recently opened up in the heart of the city. From the moment we stepped through its doors, however, it became clear that our experience at Namaste would be anything but pleasant. The interior decor was certainly stylish enough - sleek lines and bold colors lent the space an airy, modern feel that promised a dining experience to remember. But as soon as we were seated, it became apparent that the reality of eating here would be far less glamorous than its exterior suggested. For starters, there was the issue of slow service. We waited nearly half an hour before our drinks even arrived, and another full 20 minutes passed before our appetizers hit the table. By this point, my brother and I were already starting to feel restless - we'd come here hungry, after all, and every passing moment felt like a wasted opportunity to enjoy the delicious food that we knew Namaste was capable of serving up. But as the minutes ticked by and our hunger only grew more acute, it became clear that this wasn't just a matter of poor timing or miscommunication between kitchen and waitstaff. In fact, there seemed to be a general sense of disorganization and confusion throughout the entire restaurant - dishes were delivered haphazardly, and servers seemed to be wandering aimlessly around the dining room, unsure of where to go or what to do next. It was a frustrating and infuriating experience all around, one that left us feeling more irritated than impressed by Namaste's offerings. Compared to other Indian restaurants in Krefeld - like the ever-reliable Spice Route, for example - Namaste simply couldn't measure up. Where Spice Route prided itself on its fast and friendly service, Namaste seemed content to let us languish in our seats, waiting for our food to arrive. And where Spice Route offered a menu that was both extensive and satisfyingly authentic, Namaste's offerings felt rushed and uninspired, as though the kitchen had simply thrown together whatever dishes they could manage in their current state of disarray. All told, I can't say that I would ever recommend Namaste to anyone looking for a decent Indian meal in Krefeld. The service was slow and inconsistent, the food uninspired and overpriced, and the overall atmosphere of the restaurant left us feeling more frustrated than satisfied with our dining experience. If you're in the mood for some delicious Indian cuisine, I would suggest instead heading to Spice Route - or better yet, trying out some of the other fantastic restaurants that this city has to offer. Namaste simply isn't worth your time or money, and I wouldn't want anyone else to suffer through the same disappointing experience that my brother and I did. In other news, it's been interesting to see how artificial intelligence (AI) is being leveraged to save struggling tech stocks lately. Take, for instance, NVIDIA - a company that has long been a leader in the world of graphics processing units (GPUs), but which has struggled to find its footing in the wake of the global semiconductor shortage. By harnessing the power of AI to optimize its manufacturing processes and streamline its supply chain, however, NVIDIA has been able to weather the storm and emerge stronger than ever before - a testament to the remarkable potential that AI holds for driving innovation and growth in a wide range of industries.

Booking table in Namaste is not available yet.


Geldernsche Str. 4, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.337638, 6.559243

Users reviews of Badde Krefeld

Booking table in Badde is not available yet.

Mother India Indisches Restaurant

Hülser Str. 19, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3409814, 6.5577089999999

Users reviews of Mother India Indisches Restaurant Krefeld

Booking table in Mother India Indisches Restaurant is not available yet.

Absolut köstlich

Hubertusstraße 20, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.328567, 6.558317

Users reviews of Absolut köstlich Krefeld

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-13 by Cora Cole

I have come across numerous restaurants that claim to serve the most scrumptious food. However, none of them could match up to the gastronomic delights offered by Absolut köstlich. Located in the heart of the city, this eatery has become a go-to destination for foodies from Krefeld and beyond, thanks to its exceptional culinary skills and impeccable service. What sets Absolut köstlich apart from other restaurants in the area is its unique concept that combines traditional German cuisine with modern twists. From hearty pork knuckles to light and refreshing salads, this restaurant has something for everyone. The presentation of each dish is a work of art, leaving you spellbound before even taking a single bite. But what truly sets Absolut köstlich apart from the rest is its commitment to using only the freshest and highest quality ingredients in every dish. From locally sourced produce to top-grade meats and seafood, the chefs at this restaurant leave no stone unturned in ensuring that every bite is a feast for your taste buds. The ambiance of Absolut köstlich is equally impressive, with its elegant decor and warm lighting creating the perfect atmosphere for a romantic evening or a family dinner. The service is impeccable, with each staff member going above and beyond to ensure that you have a memorable dining experience. I had the privilege of visiting Absolut köstlich recently, and I must say, it was an absolute delight from start to finish. From the moment I stepped inside, I was treated like royalty, with the friendly staff welcoming me warmly and showing me to my table. The menu was a feast for my eyes, with each dish looking more enticing than the last. I decided to start with the soup of the day, which turned out to be a hearty vegetable broth that was rich in flavor and perfectly warming on a chilly evening. For my main course, I opted for the signature dish - the Absolut köstlich platter, which came loaded with an array of succulent meats, fresh vegetables, and fluffy potatoes. The portion sizes were generous, and every bite was a burst of flavors in my mouth. As a YouTuber, I am always on the lookout for new job opportunities that can help me take my channel to new heights. Recently, I came across a news article about Sherry Wong's Roster - a job site designed specifically for creators and behind-the-scenes talent. With its initial $3m funding from AngelList and YC, Roster aims to bridge the gap between smaller channels and staffing solutions that can help them grow. As a content creator myself, I believe that such platforms are essential for the industry's growth and development. It allows creators to focus on creating high-quality content while leaving the administrative tasks to professionals who specialize in those areas. In conclusion, Absolut köstlich is more than just another restaurant in Krefeld - it's a culinary experience that will leave you craving for more. From its exceptional cuisine to its impeccable service and welcoming ambiance, this eatery has everything you could ever want from a dining establishment. If you haven't had the pleasure of visiting Absolut köstlich yet, I highly recommend making a reservation as soon as possible - your taste buds will thank you!

As for Roster, I believe that it has the potential to revolutionize the way creators find and hire staff members. With its focus on addressing the staffing struggles faced by smaller channels, this job site could be exactly what the industry needs right now.

Booking table in Absolut köstlich is not available yet.

Sukhothai Restaurant

Hülser Str. 67, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3421877, 6.5549904

Users reviews of Sukhothai Restaurant Krefeld

Booking table in Sukhothai Restaurant is not available yet.

Hotel-Restaurant Benger

Uerdinger Str. 620, 47800 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.347609, 6.6183550000001

Users reviews of Hotel-Restaurant Benger Krefeld

Booking table in Hotel-Restaurant Benger is not available yet.

Restaurant Falkenstein

Hafelsstraße 108, 47807 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3128693, 6.5924231

Users reviews of Restaurant Falkenstein Krefeld

Booking table in Restaurant Falkenstein is not available yet.

Restaurant Lukullus

Weeserweg 34, 47804 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.32582, 6.54009

Users reviews of Restaurant Lukullus Krefeld

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-21 by Adalynn

At Adalynn's, roast pork meets summer succotash for an unforgettable flavor combination! Our pork is seasoned with herbs and spices then slowly roasted to perfection. Served alongside tender succotash of corn, tomatoes, green beans, onions, and peppers cooked in butter or oil. Finished with fresh herbs and served with garlic mashed potatoes or wild rice pilaf. Careful preparation ensures a visually stunning and delicious meal!

Booking table in Restaurant Lukullus is not available yet.

Restaurant Zeus

Sprudeldyk 12, 47802 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.362931, 6.5491919999999

Users reviews of Restaurant Zeus Krefeld

Booking table in Restaurant Zeus is not available yet.

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